Darrington Schools Fall 2020 Learning Plan

In the coming days, Darrington Schools will release a comprehensive plan for learning in the coming school year. Each school will release schedules for student learning later this week. Those will be followed in the near future by further information on a host of concerns, including: remote learning and what it means for our students, how to access Chromebooks and internet hot spots, school lunch protocols, mask requirements, where to get extra help, and how to access the internet if your family is not connected. We will be busy reaching out to students and families to prepare for our September 1 opening date.

The school board will hold a special meeting next Wednesday night to answer questions the public has regarding the coming school year and our reopening schools plan. A special link on our Facebook page will be posted to gather and answer questions leading up to, and during the meeting. The District’s goal is to answer questions and make sure everyone starts the new school year well-informed.

At this time we would like to share our Reopening Steps for Darrington Schools guide. This graphic shows the steps to reopening Darrington Schools. We presently anticipate that our schools will begin the year in Step 3. These steps are subject to change by the Department of Health. We all want Darrington students back in school and learning full time, and are committed to working together to make that a reality.

Reopening Steps with Logo.JPG